Welcome To The LiveLarge Magazine Comment and Discussion Board

Each month, we post the featured articles from LiveLarge Magazine, to create a forum for our subscribers to discuss and comment on our content. We have created this board so that our subscribers can work together to achieve our goals and pursuit of success. If you have not yet subscribed, please click here. Until further notice, we are offering a year subscription at no charge.

14 June 2010

Take The Challenge

We are glad that you have chosen to subscribe.
Live Large is a challenge, a challenge to us all to embrace the courage to ignore the status quo, and pursue a better life. This is truly the American Way, the American Tradition that is deeply woven into the fabric of our history, literally, dating back exactly four centuries to Jamestown, VA, where the first true entrepreneurs hit the continent’s shore.

A study of our nation’s history from Jamestown to the Revolutionaries, from the Gold Rush Opportunists to the builders of the Transcontinental Railroad, the Erie Canal, and the Internet – all reveal one common thread; A fierce, no-holds barred pursuit of a better life. Sacrifice, hard work, and true grit, coupled with a never-say-die determination is the American Legacy. So, if sometimes you wonder, where does this itch, this thirst, this desire for something better originate, it is your legacy and mine. It is being American, regardless of when the roots of your family tree first tasted American soil.

So the question is, where will you stand amongst those who have come before us, and those who will come after? Will you be one who courageously took a risk to pursue what you wanted out of life, or will you be one of those who quietly gave up and accepted what life has chosen to hand you?

If you are reading this magazine, you are probably cut from the same cloth that we are; not prepared to accept a life of mediocrity. Today, we ask you to join with us, and other LLM readers, to take action toward your goals. Live bravely and take what is yours.

Expect a wide range of topics:
- New Business Ideas and Opportunities
- Money Saving Strategies and Deals
- Credit Repair and Building
- Travel Ideas and Deals
- Emerging Technologies
- Self Improvement/Motivation
- Arts and Entertainment

Be sure to check out our advertisers each issue. We will bring you the best deals and ideas on the net. Every ad links directly to the advertiser, and will open in a new window so you won’t lose your place in the magazine.

At the end of each article, you will see a link to comment. There is a forum for each article for comments and discussion.

Gift your friends! For a limited time, forward us to your friends on Facebook or Twitter us, and we will give them a free, one year subscription, as well.

Become a Contributor!
We WELCOME unsolicited articles. Do you have a product or service to promote that would help other readers, or have something to say that would benefit us all? We want to hear it.

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