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14 June 2010

The Right Kind Of IMPACT - Ellipticals

Beginning of April in Ohio brings runners out of the wood works, but a month later there seems to be less and less people wanting to or able to run. Running is not easy and it is very tough on your body. Running is a wonderful exercise if you want to lose weight but only if a person can consistently do their running routine. If all running does is breakdown the body and does more harm than good then it isn’t being productive. This is where an elliptical machine comes in for a low impact alternative to running. Here we’ll discuss the advantages of using an elliptical cross trainer over a running regiment.

Advantage #1: Low Impact
Actually, there is practically no impact when using an elliptical machine. There are days where my body could not handle the pounding of the pavement that comes with running but I could still get in a challenging 30 minute routine on an elliptical cross trainer. The jarring that comes when running can lead to shin splints, stress fractures, blisters, ligament damage, back pain, and similar ailments. No matter how slow or fast a person goes running there will be strain on a person body. An elliptical takes all that away and forces on the working of the muscles the way they were meant to be worked. If you are trying to get into running shape or you are looking for an alternative to running then does exercise on an elliptical cross training machine is the way to go.

Advantage #2: Simulates Running
Elliptical machines are unique because they combine running and bicycling into one activity. It uses the motion of running with the lack of impact of bicycling. There are many days where my calves cannot take another day of running but I still want to get a run in. My elliptical allows me to simulate the running motion but without the strain of running on the street. In fact, I can sometimes get in a harder workout on the elliptical compared to the 5 or 10 minutes my body would have given me to run in these cases.

Advantage #3: Varying Resistance
When running the only way to get more resistance is run faster or have a good steady wind in your face. Those options are not ideal to say the least. With an elliptical you can do preset routines that will adjust the resistance to challenge you and give you that needed break when needed without actually going any faster. At a push of a button you can increase or decrease your resistance to the desired amount. This is perfect for a person that wants to challenge themselves by doing a little interval training. Running cannot match this type of ability to adapt to different situations.

Advantage #4: Possible Incline Feature
Not all elliptical machines offer an incline function, but what a great feature for the ones that do. Think about all the times that you had to walk up a hill to get to something and how different that felt to you than walking on flat ground. Now picture doing a simulated workout for a whole elliptical machine routine. If you are looking for A LOT of extra something in your cardio workout I’d definitely try using the incline function on some elliptical machines.

Advantage #5: Technology Perks
Different elliptical gym equipment come with different technology perks. Most nowadays offer a slot for an iPod with decent speakers for them played on. Most also have heart monitors as well but some are the clip on variety while others have the handles you can hold to get the reading. The real fancy machines are able to connect to the internet for online workouts, journaling, and easy download to a webpage. For instance, NordicTrack is starting to offer iFit workouts with Jillian Michaels of the Biggest Loser TV series. Technology is constantly changing so get educated and aware of what is out there.

Advantage #6: Convenient and Entertaining
I really have no excuse not to get a workout in because my elliptical is conveniently located by a TV so I can watch a TV show, movie, or even a music CD. It is amazing how long you can go on an elliptical when you are being entertained. If I am going to be watching TV, why not get a workout as well?
My elliptical has been one of the best pieces of home gym equipment that I have purchased; Bowflex SelectTech Dumbbells is the other. I know the machines can be pricey but if you are committed to getting in shape I highly recommend integrating an elliptical routine in your fitness plan.
Keith writes reviews and articles on elliptical machines at his website
EllipticalMachineMan.com. Please check that site or his other site BellyDownsizing.com for other weight loss tips.

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